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If you are a salesman or has anything to do with sales, you have likely heard of Mike Dastic. I do not want to sound egotistical by going on and mentioning my accomplishments in order not to make you feel annoyed or intimidated. I’m just going to mention that I’m the top salesman at IronPlanet for 5 years. 


I have a lot of qualities and despite being experienced enough to do simple tasks; I still do all the tasks that any junior salesman does. I don’t just negotiate business aspects and do the talking; I also make sales appointments with clients and adhere to any and all company policies and procedures and teams with other employees to make sure that products are available and in stores. I am an active man and like spreading positive vibes everywhere. 

Administration and management of the point of sale achieving goals established in the sales budget of the company, actively maintaining relationships with the customer, achieving permanent customer loyalty.


Exceed the client's expectations regarding the products and services provided by the commercial advisor. Proactivity in the continuous improvement of its performance. Commitment to the objectives and goals established by the organization.


Regular sellers run the process down and already want to show the solution for their prospects. They believe that when they see how their solution works, they will open their bank accounts and pay right then.


Big mistake! The best sellers teach their prospects throughout the process. At each stage they learn how the market is transforming, new strategies that they can apply to their reality, and good practices. The good salesperson can teach much more than just what their solution is going to address.


Those who stand out know that, by teaching the company to be better, the more prepared it is when it comes to hiring its solution. They earn not only for the trust they are given, but also for the valuable suggestions they can bring to your company. Another point worth noting: great sellers help companies avoid problems!


A good salesperson helps your prospect see what the company's bright future will look like if they hire your solution and also what harm they can do if they do nothing. Every buyer is afraid of risk. Some more, others less, but all will evaluate with caution any changes that your company may undergo. If they could choose, many companies would stay in the same place known as a comfort zone.


The vendor, knowing in fact how his solution can impact the reality of the company and how other clients with the same reality benefited, manages to pass to the Lead how the future can be after implementation, to choose the solution he is proposing. In general, this future addresses three aspects of Lead: Personal / Emotional; Operational; Return of investment.


The first is directly related to the personal reality of the Lead in the company, its day to day and its ambitions. A good salesperson will seek to understand whether their solution will help the Lead to grow professionally in the company, be more productive, become a success story, improve the quality of their work, etc.


The second addresses how the processes will transform after the implementation of the solution and how this will impact the company's numbers. What are the competitive advantages that the company can gain with this change?


How will it differentiate itself from the rest of the market? Etc. The third is directly linked to financial return. Here, the vendor helps the Lead see how their solution helps decrease costs, increase sales, retain customers, increase the average ticket, etc. In short, how it helps increase the economic profitability of the company.


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